Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins, III has recently been recognized by the Global Directory of Who’s Who for outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Inventions.
Mar 15, 2023
Longview, Texas- Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins, III, attended Prairie View A+M University. He does Digital Solutions for Businesses. He is the Co-founder of ONPASSIVE and is Chief Electronics Engineer at Rollaire Innovations.
Some of his patent include the Automated Commode Fixture (Also known as the Rollins Smart Bowl). It is an upgrade kit that makes it easy to provide the feature of automatically flushing of traditional flush lever toilets.
He also obtained patent pending status with regards to my invention The Depressurizing Freezer Unit (The Rollins Freezer-VAC). His device converts the traditional Refrigerator into a long-term storage device and prevents the spoilage of foods and other perishable items.
He is currently working on the Rollins Self Flusher. This product is an upgrade. It is more reliable, easy to install by users and is far less costly for consumers than previous versions of the Rollins Smart Bowl.
About The Global Directory of Who's Who
The Global Directory of Who's Who has been recognizing executives, professionals, and businesses over the last twenty years. Our comprehensive online database is comprised of small businesses and owners to some of the top doctors and medical practices, lawyers, and law firms in the world. Inclusion is limited to individuals and businesses who have demonstrated leadership and achievement in their occupation, industry, or professions.
About Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins III
Who is Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins III? Howard Rollins III (Professor Rollins III) Inventor & Scientist who specializes in Electronics Technology <robotb9m3b9gold@gmail.com> • • • HOME • ABOUT US • FIND PROFESSIONAL • FIND BUSINESS • PRESS RELEASES • • Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins, III Has Recently Been Recognized by the Global Directory of Who’s Who for Outstanding Contributions and Achievements in the Field of Inventions. • Business Services Digital Solutions • Mar 15, 2023 • Longview, Texas- Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins, III, attended Prairie View A+M University. He does Digital Solutions for Businesses. He is the Co-founder of ONPASSIVE and is Chief Electronics Engineer at Rol-Laire Innovations. • Some of his patents include the Automated Commode Fixture (Also known as the Rollins Smart Bowl). USPTO patent # 06-650,075. It is an upgrade kit that makes it easy to provide the feature of automatic flushing of traditional flush lever toilets. • He also obtained patent pending status about The Depressurizing Freezer Unit (the Rollins Freezer-VAC). USPTO provisional patent serial # 62/233,487 His device converts the traditional Refrigerator into a long-term storage device and prevents the spoilage of foods and other perishable items. • Rollins Invented the Jet Aircraft Foreign Object and Debris Deflector. This device is a specially designed aerodynamic heat-resistive shield that permits nominal air intake flow to the inlet of a jet engine. It is porous for air, yet screens out ice, birds, or other undesired foreign airborne object debris. It is designed to prevent damage to a plain due to engine intake of undesired objects or particulates except for air. • The Auto-reset motor vehicle signals indicator control. This invention automatically resets automotive blinking lights back to the neutral position once turn signal indicator sensors detect that the blinking function is no longer required after the successful completion of an executed turn is established. • Airplane Auto Safe, which assists in preventing hijackers from commandeering aircraft. The device is designed so that only an authorized pilot can fly a plane. If someone else is not recognized by the system, it renders the plane useless to them. The device automatically flies to a predesignated recovery area and goes into a circular holding pattern until it is signaled by authorities for recovery by ground control crew members & the appropriate legal authorities. • The Rollins Forever Phone. a cell phone whose circuit board consists of electronic properties and transformative materials matted to a substrate-supporting platform. in short & electronic etch-a-sketch. The component configurations are directed by a highly encrypted signal that comes from the computer that designed the schematic configuration upgrade. When the slate sheet picks up the signal, harmless electronic bacteria impregnated with doping compounds are transformed to replicate the upgrades. In essence, the phone's physical electronic components are transfigured by the signal to replicate the new phone's schematic configuration. Hence, a new phone with each download. The same is true of every facet of the phone which requires an upgrade as well. The phone is made from high-durability elastomers such as graphene compounds etc. The controls display etc can now be reconfigured to conform to the data received by the signal for transformation. In essence a new phone with every upgrade signal sent. The phone can be voice ordered to work for the user to the exclusion of anyone else it is not voice programmed to respond to. A user can transfer the phone by direct voice order to work for someone else when necessary. A user can call up the phone, to resend permission of use at any time rendering the phone completely useless to any phone thief for example. • Rollins is currently working on the Rollins Self Flusher. This product is an upgrade. It is more reliable, easy to install by users, and far less costly for consumers than previous versions of the Rollins Smart Bowl. • About The Global Directory of Who's Who • The Global Directory of Who's Who has been recognizing executives, professionals, and businesses over the last twenty years. Our comprehensive online database is comprised of small businesses and owners of some of the top doctors and medical practices, lawyers, and law firms in the world. Inclusion is limited to individuals and businesses who have demonstrated leadership and achievement in their occupations, industry, or professions. https://ecosystem.onpassive.com/auth?oesId=5dXcwzm65VdTcG%2FXAGYVwg== • About Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins III • • Name: Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins III • Phone: (903) 808 6721 • Related Links • • • • VIEW THE USER PROFILE • Other Press Releases by Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins III • Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins, III has recently been recognized by the Global Directory of Who’s Who for outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Inventions. • Share This Article • • Share This Article • • Contact Details • Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins III • robotb9m3b9gold@gmail.com • (903) 808-6721 • Professor • ONPASSIVE Professor: Howard Daniel Rollins III Inventor & Scientist

Name: Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins III
Phone: (903) 808-6721
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Other Press Releases By Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins III
Prof. Howard Daniel Rollins, III has recently been recognized by the Global Directory of Who’s Who for outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Inventions.